Flower Remedies

Step into the subtle realm of
flower essences

My intention with this range of flower remedies is to open the portal to all the branches of you. To clear the path between you and your higher self. To offer a gentle introduction into the world of plant medicine that is both safe and deeply nourishing.

Medicine doesn’t always need to be heroic and flashy. It doesn’t always have to smack you sideways and taste like pond water. It doesn’t always work immediately or cure all of your symptoms. 

Sometimes the best medicine is the subtle glisten of raindrops shining on a leaf. Scrunching your toes in the grass. Floating in the ocean. Blowing a wish on a dandelion. 7 drops of flower water under your tongue, morning and night.

What are flower remedies?

Also known as flower essences, flower remedies, like most herbal medicines, have been used for thousands of years by many ancient cultures, including Ancient Egyptians and Aboriginal peoples. Traditionally, the morning dew resting on flowers was gathered and used as medicine. Nowadays, a flower remedy can be made with a few simple ingredients and the mother essence can be preserved to last for years.

Flower remedies are imprints of the vibration of a flower. Meaning they contain no physical part of the plant, just the energy (or essence) of it. This makes them safe for children and animals to take, along with adults with sensitivities.

Flower remedies are incredibly gentle yet potent. As they tend to the emotional landscape within us, unravelling and building on an energetic level, their medicine often unfurls quietly and slowly. 

How to pick your remedy

When choosing your remedy, I encourage you to invoke your clair senses and take a moment to notice what comes through. Perhaps you see a flower in your mind’s eye. Or hear a phrase or name whispered by your guides. Your body might invoke a strong feeling when you see a remedy for the first time. Or perhaps you just know, this is the one for me.

Whatever you choose, trust that it is the right remedy for this season of your life. You can always take a remedy twice, and try a new one when the time is right. 

I recommend dancing with one remedy at a time. Once the bottle is complete, allow a few days or weeks of integration before beginning your next journey. If you feel drawn to it, keep a weekly journal documenting your time with each flower. At the very least, take note of your feelings and experiences at the start and end of your season with the remedy. It is such a simple yet exquisite gift — proof of growth. Maybe not in the way you expected, but always in the way you need.

Connect with your next remedy

The flowers are always communicating with us

For me, the whispers started five years ago. Maybe even longer. Someone shared a small amber bottle with a green label showcasing a Waratah. Driven by curiosity, I took a screenshot (that I still have saved in my phone in an album titled breadcrumbs) and went on with my life. Three years later, the flowers called again. The symphony was louder, catching my ear more often. I started seeing people I followed talking about flower essences. They seemed so bizarre. 

On my first research session, I shook my head. It seemed too good to be true, too simple, too pure. How could the vibrational imprint of a flower help me shed, let alone change and heal? In October 2021 I took a leap of faith and invested in my first remedy. Allured by the name and confirmed by meeting all of the “this is for” dot points, I put my heart in the hands of Ganesh and vowed to be open to the process.

Before finishing the bottle, my doubts were dissolved. I couldn’t quite put words to what was happening within my body, mind and spirit, but I knew things were shifting. The cobwebs were clearing, old wounds were surfacing and slowly healing. Triggers no longer sent me into fight or flight. I wasn’t magically fixed, but I did feel a little more like me. The most me that I’d felt in months.

My second remedy came a few months after. December, 2021. At the time, I didn’t realise I was deep in a season of burnout. I thought I was the problem, but in truth, I was just knackered from two years of navigating lockdowns in a pandemic. I had taken some time off work and was feeling heavy and unsure of the next step. While I’ll never know for sure, I do believe that taking Ganesh and Abund that year put me on the path to becoming a herbalist. 

Since then, I have taken a bouquet of flower remedies. Always one at a time, for 4-5 weeks or until the dropper runs dry. I pick remedies based on what I’m drawn to at the time, or what I know I need support in. My most recent essence (at the time of writing this) was one I tested for in a kinesiology session. I have no idea what flower went in there, but I knew it was for safety. I took it in the weeks leading up to a big interstate move — a time when all of my roots were being pulled out, when so many things were unconfirmed. And yet throughout the entire process I felt grounded, present, sure. Regardless of the outcome, I would be okay. 

That is the gift that these flower potions have offered me — trust. Cultivating it within myself, and the Universe. Slowly, like a seed tenderly rising through the soil. Deliberately, like a tree fortifying its strongest roots. Each remedy teaches me something new about myself. Each flower brings me home.