Dance with your desires
Let your body lead the way


I have come into this lifetime to nurture, teach and explore. The space that you see before you is a vessel that is ever expanding, and shifting as the need of the time does.

Rust is fluid, dancing in the waves of creativity, desires, intentions, dreams, magic and devotion. It’s always been a challenge to explain exactly what I do here, because it will never be just one thing, or one program or one strategy. Because it’s an extension of me ~ and I, like you, am an ever evolving being.

Being a Sacral Generator, my body leads my decisions. By listening to my gut response, I follow what brings me joy, lights, me up, gives me energy ~ and in turn those experiences fuel you. From the outside, my decisions may appear unexpected and random ~ and that is the beauty of following your authority. It only needs to feel good and true for you.

As a 2/4 profile, my opportunities come through my community, and I have a natural gift to go deep, to find my soul people, by speaking my truth and creating from the heart. Space and stillness are integral parts of my creative process, and the desire to cocoon and turn inward complements the energy joyfully expended in my sessions and group experiences.

My Western natal chart radiates with earth energy. My Virgo Rising paints my presence as healing, nurturing, supportive, soft. At my core, I am a Capricorn Sun ~ grounded, ambitious, intuitive, wise, persevering. Born on a New Moon in Capricorn, my emotional landscape beats with the rhythm of my sun. When people discover the major placements in my chart, they are rarely surprised.

I created Rust in my early twenties, after years of taste testing different careers and jobs, trying to mould myself to fit into the narratives I was fed growing up in a small town. I tried to follow the “right path”, but like it tends to do, the Universe gently, and then rather brashly, nudged my back on course. Starting my own business was an incredible leap of faith in myself, which wasn’t really celebrated at the time. It was seen as cool and vaguely interesting, but no one really got what it meant for me to back myself in a field that I had no formal qualifications in.

But I did it. And so can you.

If you’ve been with me since Rust’s inception, then you’ll remember the different cloaks its worn. Adapting as my interests evolved, expanding as my consciousness has. Now, things are settling into a legacy that I hope will be enjoyed by creatives in years to come. I am tending to a garden where we all have space to bloom.

I am filled with gratitude that this is work. Because it rarely feels like it. I get to make art and share it, and then teach others how to do it their way. I get to witness humans make moves and connect to self and explore their creative essence. I get to be a sounding board and safe space and encouraging voice amongst the noise. I get to celebrate all that you do, during our time together and beyond. I get to experience bliss and joy and fulfilment every time I host a session.

There is no other way to describe it other than pure magic.