Turn inward
Explore your depths
Bask in the beauty of your creative essence


Can you feel it, sweet creative? The call to evolve? To move beyond that which is familiar, comfortable and done? To explore the depths of your soul, reconnect with your essence and take action from a place of alignment and joy?


  • Rituals & Routines

  • Rest & Sabbaticals

  • Finding Your Joy

  • Working with Your Energy

  • Self Worth & Belief

  • Trusting Your Inner Guidance

  • Being Multi-Passionate

  • Starting New Projects

  • Navigating Day Jobs

  • Carving Out Time

  • Artist Dates

  • Journaling & Morning Pages

  • Shitty Art & Play

  • Building a Creative Business

  • Creative Careers & Jobs

  • Selling Your Art

  • Becoming a Mentor

  • Business & Personal Brands

  • Writing Your Book(s)

  • Clients & Customers

  • Websites & Socials

  • Online Stores

  • Physical Products

  • Courses & Ebooks

  • Programs & Memberships

  • Teaching & Studying

  • Cultivating Community

  • Intentions & Goals

  • Launching & Sharing

  • Project Planning & Timelines

  • Collaborations

  • Shifting Directions


My client calendar is currently open from Tuesday ~ Saturday. If additional times and dates become available, you’ll hear first on Instagram.

For those ready to dive deep in an extended season together, please reach out via email to words@rustcreative.com.au with your desired timeline (we can do anything from 4+ sessions in a set). You are welcome to book your initial session using this portal, but will receive a private link with expanded time slots once we confirm your payment plan.

For those not in a financial position to pay upfront, I am happy to arrange a payment plan at no extra charge. Please email words@rustcreative.com.au with your preferred payment schedule (we can do anything from 2+ weeks, with the final payment required before the session begins) to book your session in.

For those unable to make any of the times available, please reach out via email or IG DM and I will endeavour to accomodate you. Note: you also have the option to adjust the timezone in the booking system.

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In this current season of my life, my soul purpose feels like following my joy and supporting humans to explore the inner depths of themselves and live abundant, creative lives ~ because we all deserve ease, abundance and joy. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Many of the compliments I receive witness my warmth and gift of making those around me feel at ease. I take what I do very seriously (I am a Capricorn sun, after all) but approach teaching and guiding with intuitive, gentle and nurturing energy. [You won’t find any hustle-y, hyper-masculine, busy-badge shit around here].

I pride myself on cultivating a safe space for creatives to be seen, heard and expand, and am so fucking grateful that I get to call this “work”. It really doesn’t feel like it (and that’s how I know I’ve hit the sweet spot).




“My coaching call with Viv was like breathing a big breath of fresh air. She understood me from the get go and made me feel super comfortable with sharing where I was at on my personal and business journey. She helped me through blocks I've been having with motivation and inspired me to take calculated next steps in my business. I left our session feeling elated and supported. I highly recommend a coaching call with Viv, you won't be disappointed.”

— Sarah, Graphic Designer & Coach

“I thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from my coaching session with Viv, I felt so validated and supported. She is extremely kind, welcoming and easy to talk to. Not to mention, very knowledgeable about the creative space and how to better your art; Viv gives you an amazing set of notes and recommendations after the session. Whether you have a big project you need help on or just need another creative to talk to, Viv is your go-to woman. I felt like I had my own little creative cheerleader on my team. Truly can not recommend the coaching sessions enough!”

— Kate, Writer

“I worked with Viv when launching an online store for my jewellery business, and am so grateful for all the advice and guidance she offered. Viv is a world of knowledge when it comes to running a creative business, and she was a huge help with details like shipping, sustainable packaging, building a website and selling your art online. She was encouraging and supportive at every step of the way. If you’re wanting to sell your art or launch a creative business, Viv can help. I can’t recommend her coaching enough.”

— Tayla, Jeweller

“Viv helped me to feel seen, heard and understood as an aspiring creator in our coaching session together. With her help, I walked away with a personalised plan for overcoming the blocks I was experiencing in my current process, as well as feeling a lot more energised, supported and inspired. I've taken her advice and the tools she suggested, and have noticed I'm more confident in navigating my journey as a creator moving forward, embracing my own unique path. Thank you!”

– Simarni, Writer & Coach

“I’ve just watched the recording from my mentoring session with Viv from a few weeks ago and the effect is just as good as the first time! Her energy is just so calming and positive that I could easily remember each key point she mentioned at the back of my head. Her advice is priceless and spot on. A lot of it also involves self-reflection and inner soul work to really guide you into the direction that you want to go in building your creative dreams. I can attest that so much has happened since our session and for that I’m truly grateful. Highly recommended!”

– Rozanna, Brand Designer

"Recently I had the privilege of being in a 1 on 1 creative coaching session with Viv. This session was everything I needed and more. I am also a coach and I often don't invest the time energy or resources into getting coaching for myself and having the session with Viv was just a huge reminder to me that space holders need space holders. Viv was able to really connect with me and get to know me in such a short amount of time and we'd just met. I was really inspired by the tips and tools that she suggested for me and was able to go and implement them almost immediately after we got off our call. I'm so grateful for the nurturing and cheering and just beautiful flow that Viv has created in her sessions, and when I see it on her her services and offerings as well. I'm super excited to learn more from her through her course and the membership and hopefully more coaching sessions in the future." 

– Esther, Creativity Coach & Writer