Moon Medicine

A portal into your innate gifts, creative essence and feminine wisdom.

dance between realms

dance between realms

Painting by Kinuko Y Craft

Gather in circle under the moon to explore the feminine, mystical and energetic arts. Sink deeper into your knowing, speak louder from your heart, explore your gifts with joy and reverence.


A woman in her knowing is magnetic like no other


She knows the rhythms of her body. The cycles of her energy. The seasons of her desires.

She understands the life / death / life cycles of the earth, from the soil to the sky. 

She follows the moon, shedding under its illumination, planting seeds in its darkness.

She moves with her energetic body, nurtures her emotions, inspires her mind and feeds her spirit.

She intuits when to cocoon, and when to be held by her community.

She nurtures her gifts, breathing life and love into them. She gives and receives, is in reciprocity with the Universe.

She flows through seasons of learning and seasons of living the lessons. Always open, always expanding.

She is a golden orb in the darkness, a rainbow on a gloomy day. The first drop of rain, a seed pod burst open by fire.

Heart crackling, eyes luminous, her aura a magnet for resonant souls.

Moon Medicine is the remedy for those who resonate with the magnetic woman archetype. Who are ready to expand their gifts, strengthen their intuition, and upgrade their energetic frequency.

The energy of the season

Moon Medicine takes place across one lunar cycle. Our first call is on the Scorpio New Moon, with our last closing on the 3rd quarter of the cycle. Together, we will traverse through Scorpio season and a dash of Sagittarius season.

Gathering under the Scorpio New Moon sets the vibe immaculately for us to root down and spiral into the underbelly of our desires. Scorpio’s essence is ‘I investigate’ and ‘I desire’, opening up a portal of transformation and rebirth of our psychic powers, intuition and divine sexual energy. Scorpio energy is magnetic, sexy, sensual and empowering.

While traditionally depicted as the scorpion, Scorpio has big phoenix energy — rising from the ashes, reborn from the debris as a fierce, instinctual creature. A delicious archetype that is into Moon Medicine’s teachings.

Call schedule

New Moon — 31st October

First Quarter — 7th November

Full Moon — 14th November

Third Quarter — 21st November

All calls are held in the evening AEST, with recordings available the following day

Under the moon, we bloom

🌑 Wise women gatherings

Our time to gather in circle to learn, receive, share and remember. Guided by Viv, each call will begin with an interactive lesson, then flow into reiki or a guest session. Calls will be approximately 90min - 2hrs depending on the energy of the group.

🌓 Reiki activations

During our weekly gatherings, Viv will take the group through a collective reiki activation, focused on a particular theme that feels relevant at the time. Reiki will be held in the second half of the call, with time left to share or soar off into sleep afterwards.

🌕 Guest teachers

To be revealed.

🌗 Group chat

The magical in-between. A cosy den to share expanding moments, seek gentle accountability, ask for support and enjoy prompts and connection.

🌑 Flower essence

An optional extra to enrich your month. Flower essences support the release of old patterns and disharmonies in the body by shedding emotions that no longer serve us. The Meditation remedy by Australian Bush Flower Essences has been chosen to amplify the frequencies we’ll be tuning into, deepen your connection to spirit and your gifts, and protect your aura. For those outside of Australia, you should be able to access the essence with international shipping or by finding a local supplier.

Your facilitator

Like you, I am an ever-evolving being. Every day, I become more and more myself — shedding the layers of conditioning, the not-self stories I once identified with, and giving less of a fuck what people think.

In this season of life, I am a reiki master, flower essence practitioner, teacher, wild woman, storyteller and artist. And now I get to add ‘mother of Moon Medicine’ to this list. What an honour.

Something that hasn’t changed is my charts: I am a 2/4 Sacral Generator and a Capricorn Sun, Capricorn Moon and Virgo Rising.

An Earth sign to my core (and a soul that has come to earth for many, many lifetimes), I am a devoted witness to the joys, magnificence and sheer power of Nature. Nature is my greatest teacher, and I have a deep soul connection to Sturt’s Desert Peas, Eucalyptus trees, and the ocean.

I talk with my hands (a lot), squeal with delight and follow the unexplainable decisions of my gut. When I am in my joy, my energy is magnetic, welcoming and zingy. I could talk for hours about the things I love, and walk away from facilitating on a high.

Many of the compliments I receive witness my warmth and gift of making those around me feel at ease. I take what I do very seriously, but approach guiding and sharing with intuitive, encouraging and nurturing energy.

Being in your energy, witnessing your shifts, listening to your stories, answering your questions, brings me deep satisfaction. It’s an honour to co-create and walk alongside you on this journey and beyond.


  • For this lunar season, Moon Medicine is 444 AUD. The price has been chosen to create an entry point to these resources, and give students a taste of various topics and energetic practices.

  • There are 3 payment options to choose from:

    Pay in full: 1x payment $444 AUD

    Pay fortnightly: 4x payments of $111 AUD (via Afterpay)

    Pay fortnightly: 3x payments of $150 AUD (via bank transfer)

    If choosing the bank transfer payment plan, please email or DM on Instagram to organise.

    To pay in full or to use Afterpay please visit the product page.

  • How exciting! I am honoured to channel your first experience with this divine life force energy. Reiki is completely safe, and does not interact with any medications or medical conditions in a negative way. Reiki gifts you exactly what you need to receive in the moment, and in turn your body only releases what it is ready to let go of. We will explore what to expect further in our first call, but if you have any questions in the meantime please contact for support.

  • You will arrive exactly as you are meant to. Some of the knowledge shared will be completely new, and you can take what feels good and leave the rest. Other wisdom may provoke memories, intuitive knowing, whispers of past lives or messages from your guides. Wherever you are on your spiritual, energetic, mystical or wild woman journey — is exactly where you’re meant to be.

Love letters

  • “I thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from my coaching session with Viv, I felt so validated and supported. She is extremely kind, welcoming and easy to talk to. Not to mention, very knowledgeable about the creative space and how to better your art; Viv gives you an amazing set of notes and recommendations after the session. Whether you have a big project you need help on or just need another creative to talk to, Viv is your go-to woman. I felt like I had my own little creative cheerleader on my team. Truly can not recommend the coaching sessions enough!”

    — Kate, Writer

  • “Viv helped me to feel seen, heard and understood as an aspiring creator in our coaching session together. With her help, I walked away with a personalised plan for overcoming the blocks I was experiencing in my current process, as well as feeling a lot more energised, supported and inspired. I've taken her advice and the tools she suggested, and have noticed I'm more confident in navigating my journey as a creator moving forward, embracing my own unique path. Thank you!”

    – Simarni, Writer & Coach

  • “My coaching call with Viv was like breathing a big breath of fresh air. She understood me from the get go and made me feel super comfortable with sharing where I was at on my personal and business journey. She helped me through blocks I've been having with motivation and inspired me to take calculated next steps in my business. I left our session feeling elated and supported. I highly recommend a coaching call with Viv, you won't be disappointed.”

    — Sarah, Graphic Designer & Coach

  • “I’ve just watched the recording from my mentoring session with Viv from a few weeks ago and the effect is just as good as the first time! Her energy is just so calming and positive that I could easily remember each key point she mentioned at the back of my head. Her advice is priceless and spot on. A lot of it also involves self-reflection and inner soul work to really guide you into the direction that you want to go in building your creative dreams. I can attest that so much has happened since our session and for that I’m truly grateful. Highly recommend!”

    – Rozanna, Brand Designer

  • "Recently I had the privilege of being in a 1:1 creative coaching session with Viv. This session was everything I needed and more. I am also a coach and I often don't invest the time energy or resources into getting coaching for myself and having the session with Viv was just a huge reminder to me that space holders need space holders. Viv was able to really connect with me and get to know me in such a short amount of time and we'd just met. I was really inspired by the tips and tools that she suggested for me and was able to go and implement them almost immediately after we got off our call. I'm so grateful for the nurturing and cheering and just beautiful flow that Viv has created in her sessions, and when I see it on her her services and offerings as well. I'm super excited to learn more from her through her course and the membership and hopefully more coaching sessions in the future."

    – Esther, Creativity Coach & Writer

  • “Viv is a multi-faceted mentor and the BYCB container reflects that. She has a way of attracting creatives that are on a similar journey and ready to face up to their shit. After months (let’s be honest, YEARS) of saying "I want to start my own business but I don’t know how” and using that excuse to stay small and hidden, BYCB came along at the perfect time. Her workbooks have so much gold inside and really help to guide me through the journey of deciding why, who and how I want to serve. The way she weaves Human Design into her teachings empowers you - and her wise words are always comforting. She knows how to make you feel seen and held. Being in a WhatsApp group with the cohort was a nice addition, especially in knowing that I wasn’t alone in the process. I can’t recommend her or any of her courses enough. She is magic. And she will help you remember that you and your creations are magic, too. Thank you again Viv!”

    — Maya, BYCB student

  • “Ooft where do I start? The BYCB course was transformational. Viv did an incredible job of facilitating the calls, making me feel so comfortable, supported and most of all heard. Each session was insightful and inspiring, leaving me with a full cup (and all the warm-and-fuzzies). I've come away with some (much-needed) exercises to help me set boundaries with my work to avoid burnout as well as SO many valuable ways to spark my creativity in day-to-day. BYCB put me in the best headspace to start my creative business journey. Would highly recommend it for anyone needing that little extra push.”

    — Emma, BYCB student

  • “BYCB is exactly what I needed for my business. With the kind and generous push of Viv and the other beautiful members, I was able to move out of my comfort zone and really focus on me, who my business is and where i want it to go in the future. Viv has the ability to be able to see exactly what’s on your heart and knows how to give you the space and energy to let you realise your dreams and really listens, not to mention I feel like she is now one of my biggest cheerleaders ever! I recommend this course to anyone who will listen and if you're feeling called to take part, follow your gut because you wont regret it.”

    — Kaytea, BYCB student

  • Rust's Build Your Creative Business program is filled with insightful and helpful information with Viv's well put together workbooks! The course platform is easy to navigate and her guest appearances really fit the mould of each week's topic. She'll get you learning about human design too, so be ready to understand yourself more.

    Viv was brilliantly prepared, helped facilitate conversations and was always there to answer questions and support you! We can only learn if we explore and this is program where you can do just that! No topic Is off the table and everyone in your cohort will be cheering you on! ❤️

    — Kellie, BYCB student

  • “Investing in this mentoring program was such a wonderful starting point for me! It allowed me to gain confidence and feel into what my creative business could look like. Everyone was at such different stages in their journeys which I felt complimented the structure of the program so nicely. Viv was like a friend in my corner rooting for me to follow my dreams and succeed. She was incredibly nurturing and considered through her course content, following up after calls and the group chat.

    Regardless of where you are in your journey I would highly recommend making this investment in yourself and your dreams! The content is there to revisit long after the program is finished. This means as I move through building my creative venture, I know I have support each step of the way. Thank you Viv for creating such a beautiful space for like minded souls to come together and support one another.”

    — Joanne, BYCB student

  • “What I appreciated most was the group discussion and the space Viv held. It was a supportive group where you could bring in any question you needed and the diversity of answers helped to stew in more inspiration. I came in as a beginner, hesitant on where to start with all the branches I needed to fill. But slowly and surely, the group accountability helped for the essential basics, as starting can be the hardest part for some. It was a very gentle and kind group, really supportive, and I never felt any guilt or shame about how I was managing my creative path. I always came out excited after every session, to continue building the tree trunk of my business. I came out exploding with projects I could do and new resources (which is what I needed!), along with new connections that I can come back to, and tools for this creative business journey. Really amazing value for your money (I was surprised by all the material)!”

    — Olivia, BYCB student

  • “Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity. Viv got me thinking about all the things that matter. From how important personal vs business social media pages are (or may not be, depending on your business!) to boundaries within my little business (hello out of offices!) and everything in between. Viv allowed me and my business to just be, and she also assisted me in ways I wouldn't have ever thought about (my Human Design chart was more than an eye opener!).”

    — Georgia, BYCB student

  • “I would describe Build Your Creative Business as four delicious weeks of learning, self-discovery, and community. Viv is an absolute star and created the most beautiful container for us to dream big, open up, and get real about our desires and how we can achieve them. My favourite aspect of the course was our weekly calls, Viv was an excellent guide during our calls and created a supportive community. I felt so supported and valued, encouraged to share my experience, and eager to hear the wisdom of my fellow peers. During the week between our calls, we had a group chat where we could share our downloads, ask questions, and get advice from others in the group, and Viv herself. I loved our group, it added another layer of community support and it was so cool to be able to interact with one another at our own pace.

    Every week, our learning was supported by insightful interviews created by Viv specifically for that week's theme. Being able to hear the stories and experiences of different creative business owners showed me that every business is unique and that my business will benefit the most from being designed for me, rather than following a standard. Accompanying each interview, are beautiful guidebooks designed to invite you to reflect and dig deep into how you want to develop your business. These prompts are so helpful in clarifying your vision, and Viv is generous with advice and inspiration.

    I loved the resources recommended by Viv: podcasts, books, and quizzes helped catalyse new discoveries about myself, especially the resources around human design! I would recommend Build Your Creative Business for anyone looking for strong community and support in creating, or upgrading their business. I have grown so much from taking this course, my mindset has completely changed in the way I approach my business and myself. Before I held onto a lot of unconscious limiting beliefs about myself, money, and my place in the world. I felt uncertain, and stressed, and had very little confidence. During my time in the course, I pushed myself to be open and vulnerable and was given a great foundation that has lead me to feel more confident in myself and my inner knowing. Because of all this tremendous growth and healing, I can honestly say my time with Viv and our group has changed my life in so many beautiful ways, and not just in how I've structured my business.

    I loved every aspect of the BYCB course, and I know you will too.”

    — Tiger, BYCB student